Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care

Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care

Introduction: Partnership working generally includes the connection between particular with long term condition, the providers of services as well as their careers. Partnership working helps to improving mass and adding important links that need to increase the quality and quantity in health and social care services. This partnership involves the relations between services and institutions to assessing the system of planning in health and care sector. In this assignment, the focus point is partnership working in health and social care services. At the first stage of this assignment discussed about the explanation of the philosophy of working in partnership in health and social care and evaluate this partnership. At the middle of this assignment analyze models of partnership working across the health and social care sector. At the final part of this assignment will be analyzed the potential barriers to partnership working in my chosen organization dealing with health and social care services. Carte UK is my selected health and social care organization.

Task 1

LO 1.1 Explanation the philosophy of working in partnership in health and social care:

In health and social care services, the workers play a vital role in partnership working. Partnership working is very essential in health and social care services. The acts of particular group are given by the partnership between each level. According to Glasby (2017) there are some philosophies of working in partnership in health and social care. In this below, explain the philosophy of working in partnership in health and social care services:
Empowerment: Empowerment refers to a management practice of sharing information, rewards and power with workers. It is based on the idea that providing workers skills, resources, authority, opportunity, motivation etc. In health and social care, empowerment is very important for the effectiveness of partnership working. The empowerment people can manage their decision and control their actions. This act builds a relation between the service user and the health & social care authority (Fletcher, 2006).
Independence:  Independence means that it cannot control by any outside factors involving opinions and revaluations. This philosophy is very important of partnership in working in health and social care. For example, A service holder my make the choice of treatment by his regardless of choice of professional. 
Equity: Equity refers that same treatment and facilities for the entire patient in health care services. It’s very essential to ensure the right and proper treatment as well as no discrimination between men and women. Everybody take their services by the equity process in health and social care services (Fletcher, 2006).
Respect: The client want to good response from the health care services. Respect of patient treatment increase the motivation for the service holder. It also helps to bring reputation of health and health care organization.
Power Sharing: Power sharing is another essential factor in health and social care. Good power of sharing information increases the service value and brings the good review for the health care organization. Power sharing helps to improve the specific sector in information department in health care services.
The trust and honest are two vital skills for getting good response from the customer. In this matter, these philosophies bring to the vital improvement for health and social care services (Stretch, 2007).

LO 1.2 Evaluate partnership relationships within health and social care service:

Scriven and Garman (2007) refer thatPartnership relationship within health and social care services are very essential to make the proper service for the customer. The partnership relationship within health and social care services must be developed since as a kind of negotiation that can help all groups to play their act successfully. This is perfect process to strength in both health and social care that should aware on the work and put their personality, working position, medical tips and post. Here are some tips that may help both health and social care services to work better in this below:
Collective Working: There should be ability of good working environment and working without any types of conflict and envy. If the good working position will be established then the partnership working will be improved automatically. Working collectively helps to bring the development on health and social care with partnership relationships. This is very effective to increase the better services and making relation between partnership in working within health and social care services (Scriven and Garman, 2007).
Non-Hierarchy Relationship: The model of non-hierarchy relationship is very important method to remove the working problem in partnership working process. This relationship may apply to run out the conflicts in health and social care. Most of the new entrepreneurs in the modern generation are not comfort with hierarchy and they want to work together. There are several difficulties in hierarchy model such as slow communication, lack of autonomy, dependency on strong leaders, interdepartmental rivalry etc. In this model, there is availability of bureaucracy and have the situation of less motion for doing work. Due to some difficulties in hierarchy, the workers can dork through to their own liberty in health and social care organization (Stavans, 2010).
Share of Work: In health and social care, there should be remain the share of work practice and expertise. For example, share of work effects on the development of workers in their working position. Through sharing the working strategy, idea, technique and exclusive way of working from all of the workers in servicing centre and it easily evaluate partnership relationship within health and social care.
Good Network or Communication: There is very much potentiality by networking or communicating in the servicing environment. The network or communication among all the workers of the define organization must be elaborated. If the process will be complicated, then all over the performance will be developed in health and social care services(Stavans, 2010).

Task 2

Mr. John is an old man has been died and a doctor has suggested the fundamental cause of dying theold man is not complicated of the treatment of the doctors and the connected health and social care services (Glasby, 2017). The incompetence of social workers, doctors, lawyers and police all failed to respond completely. Here are different kinds of models of partnership are available in the case of health and social care which can be used by the above in this below:
The treatment is criticized here by this old man. In this case of the old man can be used the coalition model and applied it(McKeown, Malihi-Shoja and Downe, 2010). The man can be helped in the way of liaison. These types of services act individually for their own usefulness. The old man was very much not competent for the lack of communication with the organization in the particular or the group trail project. By the coalition model, it accommodated for association and liaison of various factors but they not run sufficiently. In this case, a pact is created in health and social care firms and professionals (Stretch, 2007). For example, UK care is doing act such as a communication system that make fulfill the demand of the local communities by holding the interests of their own. These firms and professionals helps with each other but the self-interested is not present in these moods. 
There are different models besides coalition model. Here are these models:
Unified Model: by the Unified model, the management, training and staffing are connected or unified besides management structure. The unification of management and staffing are due to the delivery of unification of developed services to the wounded patients. In health and social care, a single unified trust provides all of thinks to the patients. A co-ordinate model requires the management, training and staffing to be aligned for effective service delivery besides coalition model. The services are same but they are particularly different (Glasby, 2017).
Hybrid Model: A hybrid model refers to an organization to work with mixture of various models. There are different type’s aspects such as integration model, coordination model, coalition model for providing the customers to assign the health and care.

LO 2.2 Review the current legislation and organizational practices and policies for partnership working in health and social care practices:

In health and social care, there are different types of legislations to improve the positive partnership working with users of professionals, services and institutions. This legislations influence the way of individual working and the total operation of the health and social care firms. There are two legislations are discussed in this below:
 health and social care act 2012: Glasby and Dickinson (2016) refers The health and social care act 2012 puts clinicians at the centre of commissioning, frees up providers to innovate, empowers patients and gives a new focus to public health. According to health and social care act 2012, to safeguard its future the NHS needs to change to meet the challenges it faces-only by modernizing can the NHS tackle the problem of today and avoid a crisis tomorrow. This act affects the partnership working in health and social care services. The main goals of this act are accountability for the partnerships and patient voice for better service delivery. Health and Social Care Act 2012 requires providing the services in health and social care centre to improve the service quality. The fundamental aim of this act is creating a provider controller as portion of its goal of efficient, economic and the effectiveness of restriction (Glasby and Dickinson, 2016).This aim of Health and Social Act 2012 may effect on the working of partnership within health and social care services.
Equality Act 2010: According to Shah (2015) the Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. This law means that discrimination or unfair treatment on the basis of current personal characteristics like as age is now against the law in almost all cases. It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single act making the law easier to know and strengthening protection in several situations. The aim of Equality Act 2010 is removing the discrimination practice and dissimilarity within in health and social care services. By this act there are some characteristics must be protected such as age, race, sex, gender reassignment, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity. By this kind of legislation, to remove the discriminatory treatment ensures the honesty in health and social care professional work together in partnership working (Sewell, 2013).

LO 2.3 Explain how differences in working practices and policies influence collective working:

 Following to Rose and McCarthy (2010) Working with hand to hand and working with the supports from the anywhere can be effective as the collaborative working. In working environment which is collaborative workers share their knowledge and experience within by a department or a team or a firm in health and social care. By the different organizations, policies and procedures are agreed ways of working that influence in collective working. This policy and procedures works according by Community Act 1999, Care Standards Act 2000 and Mental Capacity Act 2005. The relevant organization and firms take the decisions and create their own plan and strategies following to these acts (Rose and McCarthy, 2010). 
Centering on the practices and policies in various kinds of organization work and acts their activities. For example, a firm may follow the unified model whereas another firm may follow the cooperation model. Due to the verities of the models, the collaborative working environment can be negatively influenced. This can be instanced by the death of the old man who died by the lack of collaboration among the various parties. The wounded man changed to a hospital hut could not struggle to live. These types of collaboration failed to diagnose the problems and take the necessary steps for recovery. They are also failed their roles and responsibilities where not well-firmed in health and social care (Morris, 2014). 

Task 3

LO 3.1 Evaluate possible outcomes of partnership working for the users of services, professionals and organizations:

In the working position, partnership working willbe getting both positive and negative impact and output of the users of services, professionals as well as organizations. Here are the possible results for the various parties involves are following in this below:
Positive Outcomes for Service Users: There may remain the empowerment and the autonomy in making decision as the positive output for the service users in partnership working. Since the partnership working can approve the professionals to share knowledge and experience, the service users are anticipated to have developed services. They will be getting the usefulness of informed decision making that professionals will take for the facilities of their own. For example, the professionals can make unions among themselves and set benchmark concerning the delivery services (Ke Tuong, 2013).On the other hand, the negative outcomes for the service users are frustration, confusion, duplication of service etc.
Positive Outcomes for the Professionals: The service of coordination conduct with the help of partnership can be ensured by the professionals. At the same time, they can communicate with one another by identifying clean roles and responsibilities. They can also give the better service for their clients as well as the patient with helps of communication. They can operate their proper time and remove their error by allowing partnership working. They can consider the negative incidents and in can also bring rivalry and conflicts. There is also possibility of miscommunication which will operate to lower quality services (Kongstvedt, 2001).
Positive Outcome of Firm: The shared principles among the partners can be identified as the first positive outcome for the firm. Mobilizing services and the common working practices may lead to the fund utilization. In partnership working, communication breakdown may result in lower thrust. The firm also observes the improvement cost due to the time that involve in making decisions (Nolan and Pritchatt, 2006).

Professionals and firms in partnership working may bring the positive results to the services users in health and social care. The shared knowledge and experience may help them to getting offer the quality service (Bochel and Daly, 2014). But, there are some complex barriers in working of partnership working. Here are the barriers given in this below:
There is shortage to staff like as skilled workers in health and social care services. The delivery service can be slow by the lack of employee’s concentrations. There are some employees are not knowing the proper knowledge in working health and care services. For this reason, they cannot submit the delivery information in right time(Johnson and De Souza, 2008).The time of service providing become very longer and along with the quality of the service become very low by the lack of proper training. On the other hand, lowquality communication among the professionals, firms and the service users can also be followed as the important matter of working in partnership in health and social care services. 
Most of the workers waste the important amount of time in repeating their duty. As well as they cannot distinguish the proper service for the patient (Bochel and Daly, 2014). For example, the dead of old man due to the lack of proper skilful people service and cause of delay time the suffered by the old man. At the final stage he died.

3.3 Devise strategies to improve outcomes for partnership working in heals and social care services:

Here are several strategies to improve outcomes for partnership working in health and social care services:
In health and social care professionals should be applying for the long time of the period. The health and social care professionals can be given more benefits so that they do not tend to change their employment levels. For this reason, there is no issue can affect directly with the concentration of the employees in health care services. So to improve outcome for partnership working in health and social care are: the skills of communication among the employees should be developed. The employees ensure by the clients what they are going to do and inform them. The rights and privacy of the clients must be secured. A perfect implementation of health and social care codes and practice is very important. So this improves devise strategies for partnership working in health and social care (Stretch, 2007).     

Conclusion:  The partnership working has very essential in health and social care services. There are some positive and negative things providing for the professionals, users of the services and the firm. Good communication, less error, coordinated service, empowerment are the positive in partnership in working in health and social care. Frustration, confusions, integration are the negative in partnership in working place. There are several barriers in partnership working as well as staff shortages, lack of training and improvement etc. At the end of this assignment it has been said that there are some matter should be improve such as develop the outcomes, empowerment strategy, shared responsibility, shared involvement, shared awareness and awareness and decision making, higher level of monitoring etc.

Bochel, H. and Daly, G. (2014). Social policy. London: Routledge.
Fletcher, K. (2006). Partnerships in social care. London: Jessica Kingsley.
Glasby, J. (2017). Understanding health and social care. [Place of publication not identified]: Policy Press.
Glasby, J. and Dickinson, H. (2016) Partnership working in health and social care.
Johnson, J. and De Souza, C. (2008). Understanding health and social care. Los Angeles: Sage.
Ke Tuong, N. (2013). Essentials of Marketing A case of health care services in HCMC. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
Kongstvedt, P. (2001). Essentials of managed health care. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers.
McKeown, M., Malihi-Shoja, L. and Downe, S. (2010). Service User and Carer Involvement in Health and Social Care Education. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Morris, C. (2014). Level 2 health & social care diploma. [Place of publication not identified]: Hodder Education.
Nolan, Y. and Pritchatt, N. (2006). Health & social care. Oxford: Heinemann.
Rose, P. and McCarthy, J. (2010). Values-based health & social care. London: SAGE.
Scriven, A. and Garman, S. (2007). Public health. Maidenhead, Eng.: Open University Press.
Sewell, H. (2013). The Equality Act 2010 in mental health. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Shah, P. (2015). Against Caste in British Law: A Critical Perspective on the Caste Discrimination Provision in the Equality Act 2010. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Stavans, I. (2010). Health care. Santa Barbara, Calif [u.a.]: Greenwood Press.
Stretch, B. (2007). Health & social care. Oxford: Heinemann.

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