Monday, October 1, 2018

Scoring Sheet

Scoring Sheet

Depression scale (DS)
94+ = Depressed;   30-100 = Minimal; 101-114 = Mild;  115-123 = Moderate;  124-150 = Severe
Scoring: 1,2,3,4,5
Developed by: ZahirUddin and Dr. MahamudurRahman, Department of Clinical Psychology, D.U.

Anxiety Scale (AS)
54 & less = Mild;  55 to 66= Moderate; 67 to 77= Severe; 78 to 135 & above= Profound. Cut off point =47.5
Scoring: 0,1,2,3,4
Developed by: Farah Deeba and Dr. Roquia Begum, Department of Clinical Psychology, DU.

Dhaka University Obsessive Compulsive disorder Scale (DUOCS)
Cut-off Score: 17
Mild  :         up to 23
Moderate     :         24 to 40
Severe         :         41 to 49
Profound     :         50 to 80
Developed by: KamruzzamMozzumder  and Dr. Roquia Begum, Department of Clinical Psychology, D.U.

Dhaka University Cognitive Distortion Scale (DUCDS)
Severity Level of Cognitive distortion according to Dhaka University Cognitive Distortion Scale (DUCDS)
Cut of point 56
Mild = 56 to 72,
Moderate =73 to 91,
Severe= 92 to 109 and
Profound= 110 to above.
Scoring: 0,1,2,3,4
Developed by: Ummey Saima Siddika and Kamal Uddin Ahmed  Chowdhury, Department of Clinical Psychology, D.U.

Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS)
0 - 3 =       None or minimal
4 - 8 =       Mild
9 - 14     =   Moderate. May not be in immediate danger but requires frequent regular monitoring .Is the life situation stable.
15 + =       Severe. Definite suicidal risk.
Developed by Dr. Aaron T. Beck (1988)

Global Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28)
Cut of point 39
Four subscale:  A. Somatic symptoms
                         B. Anxiety and Insomnia
                         C. Social Dysfunction
                         D. Severe Depression
For all Subscale: 0 to 6: Less stress
7 to 13: Moderate stress
14 to 84: Severe stress
Developed by Goldberg & Williams, 1988 and this measure has been reported to have good psychometric properties. Banoo (2001) translated it into Bangla.

Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS)
Reverse item: 5, 9, 11
Slightly                   0-20
Moderately            21-40
Very Much           41-60
Extremely             61-80
Developed by R. P. Mattick& J. C. Clark(1989).
Somatic Complaints Scale
Developed by Leslie C. Morey (1991)- Somatic Complaints Scale. Adapted by Hasina Khatun and M Anisur Rahman
Scoring method is 0,1,2,3
Item no 11, 12, 21and 23 are the reverse items. That means it will be scored 3,2,1,0
The scale measures Somatoform Disorder.
Cut point-29
Corresponding Score on Somatic complaints scale
29 to 42
43 to 50
51 to 55
56 to 72

Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale (HADS;)
A- Anxious,    D- Depressed.
Normal:  0 – 7,      Borderline: 8 – 10,       clinically anxious/depressed: 11 – 21.
Developed by Zigmond & Snaith(1983).Translated and validated by: K. A. Chowdhury, Dept. of Clinical Psychology, DU.

Locke-Wallace Short Marital Adjustment Test
fvj `v¤úZ¨ m¤úK©  - M‡o 135.9
mgm¨vc~Y© `v¤úZ¨ m¤úK© - M‡o 71.7
          100- Kg †¯‹vi cvIqvi A_© AmyLx `v¤úZ¨ m¤úK©
4% myLx `¤úwËfy‡jAmyLx `¤úwËwn‡m‡ewe‡ewPZn‡Zcv‡ib|
Avevi 17% AmyLx `¤úwËfy‡jmyLx `¤úwË wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ n‡Z cv‡ib|
Developed by Locke and. Wallace, 1957

Nicotine Addiction Scale
AvB‡Ugbs- 1                   K = 3
 L = 2
M = 1
 N = 0
AvB‡Ugbs- 2, 3, 5, 6             
                                                               K = 1
                                                               L = 0               
AvB‡Ugbs- 4                                               K =   0
 L =   1
M =   2
N =   3
‡¯‹vi cwimi
0 - 10
‡¯‹v‡iie¨vL¨v:- ‡ewk †¯‹vi wbf©iZv‡Kwb‡`©k K‡i|
Developed by Heatherton, Kozlowski, Freeker and Fagerstrom (1991) and translated by Farha Deeba and Rumala Ali,ClinicalPsychology,DU.
Love Obsessed Lover Check list
‡¯‹vi:                                   cÖwZwU n¨uv = 1
cÖwZwUbv = 0
GB †PKwj‡ówZbGi †ewk †¯‹vi n‡jAe‡m&wmfjvf| Z‡e evsjv‡`‡ki cwi‡cÖw¶‡Z Mo †_‡K e¨vL¨v Ki‡Z n‡e ( = 6.5)| Gi mv‡_ hw` AvB‡Ug 12 A_ev 13 †Z e¨w³ n¨uv DËi †`q, Z‡e H e¨w³‡K Aek¨B we‡kl‡Ái civgk© (professional help)wb‡Z n‡e|Developed byDR. Susan Forward,1992.

Social Avoidance and Distress – SAD Scale
gv‡Si ¸‡jv MYbv Ki‡Z n‡e
cÖ‡Z¨KUvc‡`iRb¨ †¯‹vi -1
†¯‹vi        me©wbgœ=  0-5,
ga¨g = 6-15,
m‡e©v”P =  16-28
The SADS was developed by David Watson and Ronald Friend in 1969 and translated by Farha Deeba,Saila Arjuman,Nadira Shammi and Zoha-E-Shamsia in 1999.

Satisfaction with life Scale
Pigfv‡e / m¤ú~Y©fv‡emš‘ó
Pigfv‡e/ m¤ú~Y©fv‡eAmš‘ó

Developed by Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985 and translated by Flora Jesmin, Clinical Psychology,DU.
Aggression Scale
Severity / Categories of aggression          Range of scores
1. The clean (¯^vfvweKgvÎvi †µva)                               45 and above
2. The low (wbgœgvÎvi †µva)                                     46-60
3.The average (gvSvgvwSgvÎvi †µva)                         61-89
4. The high (D”P gvÎvi †µva)                                     90-106
5.The saturated (Pig gvÎvi ‡µva)                            107 and above             
Constructed and Standardized by Km.Roma Pal, Research Scholar at Agra Collegeand Dr. (smt) Tasnum Naqvi.

wkï‡`i †hme cwi‡e‡k wbqš¿Y Kiv gykwKj Zv cwigvc‡Yi †¯‹j
     Normal-     0-17
    Moderate-  18-34
    Severe-      Above 34
GB †¯‹jwU evsjvq Abyev` K‡ib dvivn `xev, mnKvix Aa¨vcK; BmivZ kviwgb Ges †mwjbv cvifxb (wPwKrmv g‡bvweÁvb wefvM, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq|
wkï‡`i AvPiYMZ mgm¨v
       Below 29-Normal
      30-59- Moderate
      Above 90- Profound

Depression Scale for Child

Depression for Child (parents)                                    ‡ckvMZ
Mild-     0-11                                                                 Mild-0-07      
Moderate-12-22                                                            Moderate-08-14
Severe-23-33                                                                Severe-15-21                                                                   
Profound-34-44                                                            Profound-22-28  
GB †¯‹jwU evsjv Abyev` K‡ib dvivn `xev, mnKvix Aa¨vcK; ‡mwjbv dv‡Zgv web‡Z knx`, mvwenv Rvnvb (wPwKrmv g‡bvweÁvb wefvM, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq

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