Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business

Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business

Table of Contents

In this age of globalization necessary of business contract knows no law. In everyday transaction any business organization of the world need to make and goes through many legal systems, for that they need to make contracts about their required activities with several business organization and parties. In this assignment we just go to know about many legal rules and regulation as well as many outside and inside things of business contract. For making an organization more effective and more successful the organization need to make it all contracts successful.

Contract is an agreement of two business party under the acceptance of law. An agreement or contract will call valid if it fulfill some essential elements and have create a legal validity under the law of contract.
Essential elements required of a formation of a valid contract are illustrated in below with their importance.
The offer: It is just a willingness of any business party for making a business contract with any business organization. The offer is called the first step and the first initial point of any business contract and with this step the formation of any business contract just start its journey.
Acceptance:  When any offer is offered to a certain business organization, then that party will thing about their part and benefits from that contract. Then the business party will thing about the acceptance of that offer. If acceptance is find by an offer that it can called the perfect offer(Goodchild, Herring, and others 2000).
Competency of the party:  With the following of the law of valid contract any parties can’t enter into a valid freely because their some competency required by the contract law like proper age, stability and maturity of mind of the parties.
Free consent:   Any party can’t force any other party to make business contract with them. Every party of the contract will give their consent to the contract in freely(Goodchild, Herring, and others 2000). Without it a contract will considered as void.
Consideration: That means the exchange between two parties of their price. It is another significant element of a valid contract.
Lawful object: any contract in business contract is must formed with some object. It may be one or more. But those need to be lawful. That means any objectivity of the contract may not be anti-law of the country.
Enforceability of law: the whole activities and point of the contract need to be enforceable by the law of contract.
Those elements have a great importance in formation of a valid contract.

Expressed and implied contract: if offer and acceptance of contract is making in word, this called an expressed contract. But in sometimes those two essential elements of contract may not be expressed in language. Any party can make its offer to another party by any activities of them (Wang, and Huo 2007). It is like an indirect offer and indirect acceptance of a contract. By this types offer and acceptance, here have the possibility of creating some misunderstandings. After all of that, these types of contracts are available in field of business.   
(explain a case as an  example )
Valid contract: when a contract able to fulfill its entire requirement under the rules and regulations provided by the contract law of business. We know that contract is like an agreement of two business parties. If their agreement comes to find enforceability by existing law, then the contract will declared as a valid contract.
(explain a case as an  example )

Voidable contract: those type contracts are just going to be declared as void but those are not actually void. It becomes as showing some sign of voidable contract. Before of fulfilling general requirement of valid contract its look like a voidable contract. This is not the ultimate situation of a contract (Wang, and Huo 2007). These types of contract must result in other categories of contract like void contract or valid contract.
(explain a case as an  example )
Void contract: a contract may turn into a void contract for many reason like fraudulent, illegal objectivity, minor or unsound minded party, forced concerned etc. A void contract has no value about to any parties of the contract. It has no impact on the business activities of the related organization.
(explain a case as an  example )

Unilateral and bilateral contract: every business contract between any parties must create some obligation on them. As an example, john and Michel have made a contract of buying and selling a house. By this contract john has obligation of selling and Michel have obligation of buying. This is a bilateral contract. But if Michel has no obligation of buying that house, this will be called as a unilateral contract.
Unilateral Contract: use at least case -
(explain – Carhil VS Carbolic drinks, or Harris vs Times ) need to explain one of them )

             (explain a case as an  example )

Analyse Analyse contract terms with reference to their meaning and effect like-
Condition : (meaning,  and effects )
Warrenty : (meaning,  and effects )
(every points needs to
Exclusion Clauses : (meaning,  and effects )

Innominate Term: (meaning,  and effects )

In a contract business organization as well as parties use many terms like
Implied term, expressed term, content of agreement etc.
Content of agreement: any contract is an agreement of two parties, that’s why in this agreement two of them need to have a free consent to the agreement. Every inside and outside point of that agreement must need to be clear to every party because they will give their free consent on it. That point has a significant effect on overall situations and implementation of the contract.
Expressed terms & implied terms: some terms of contracts are described clearly and accurately because those are the most important key in implementing the contract. But in contrast there have also some terms, which are not directly expressed. In the time of forming contract, every party of the contract have to be understand those automatically (Wang, and Huo 2007). Those terms are hide from contract but shown in the mind setup of the parties. Court and statue, do that kind of implementing factors or terms in most of the time.
Important and relative terms:    there have some of the most intellectual, significant and obligatory terms in the field of contract. The ultimate implementation and achievements of the contract depend mostly on those terms. That’s why there has a most clearance about those types of terms to the two parties of the contract.
Limiting and excluding terms: by those types of terms, rights or obligation or other relative parts of any parties are determined (Wang, and Huo 2007). How much a party can gained and how time a party can hold on that contract are also determined by that types of terms. In these activities, previous records and law of courts etc. also play an important role in the way of limiting and excluding terms.

 Business scenarios: suppose claimants of London telex to defendants of Amsterdam about making a contract. The fact is that, the claimants interested about buying a horse from defendants.
According to this business scenarios claimant just make an offer to defendant about buying a horse. This is the applying of the first elements of contract.
Then defendant thinks about his outputs and other things in this stage. After thinking those, he or she will give his or her opinion to this offer. If he agrees about this offer and give agreement, we can call that as an acceptance. This is the applying of the second and most important elements of the contract.
The claimant and defendant, two of them need to have certain age and need to bear a sound mind (Robinson, and Morrison, 1995). We know about the point “competency of party”. This is the implementation of those elements of any contract.
Free consent is another significant element of contract. Here the claimant and the defendant need to give their free consent about transaction of that horse. If anybody of them forces another one to make this agreement, then this contract will fall in a void contract.
Lawful activities are the fact that any contract of the country in inter the country of outer the country need to keep accordance of the state. In these scenarios, here the contract is going to make between two different countries (Robinson, and Morrison, 1995). If there have any lawful restriction between UK and Holland about business then two of them could not be able to make their contract.
At last there must have consideration about transaction of price and interchange between the complaint and defendant.
Every point of contract need to follow must for making a contract perfect and success and make the way of implementing of that contract.

Advise Mr. Peters if he can claim for damages or not by applying the law on terms in different contracts:

Yes, he can claim compensation :-
·         Unfair term – UK Unfair term guideline (VLE) –
·         (explain as an example – Thornton vs Shoelane parking ) 

The notice was not visible –

No, he cannot claim damages -  (need to explain under the above example ) –

There are several terms of law of contract, we described in previous questions. Content of agreement, implied terms, expressed terms, limiting and excluding terms, important and relative terms are the major terms of the contracts.
In an expressed contract, different terms and law of the contract are very must component and have a good accuracy of the terms (Kennedy, 1981).
In a valid contract, terms are expressed in most of the time.  If there have any limitations and excluding terms those are clearly expressed and written in valid contract.
Keeping accuracy and clearance about terms, rules and regulation in the contract have a great effect on the implementation of the contract (Kennedy, 1981). Business contracts are mostly used in every business situation and corporate companies of the world in this age of globalization.
Some contracts are called as a void contract. The reason behind turning into void contract is not adopting and keeping clearance of all of the terms of the contract. Voidable contract means a situation of contract which may be turn into void or valid. After adding every point and terms to the contract, that gradually makes the contract to valid. In contrast absent of those terms make a contract to void gradually.

2.3 Evaluate the effect of the contract term quoted above in the contract in the following situations:

Evaluate the effect of the contract term quoted above in the contract in the following situations:
Need to explain – ?
condition: ?
Breach of condition: ?
Breach of warranty : ?
According to the question ---- 
Conditions are one of the most important terms of the contract. In the business scenarios we come to know that the claimant offer to defendant about buying a horse. In terms of contract, here will have illustrate some conditions like that the damages of the contracted things, time of interchange etc. according to this term two of the parties will be able to know about uncertain condition of the product or the things(Rousseau, and McLean, 1993). By that way there will not crate any misunderstanding between two parties.
Warranties are the terms of contract not so much essential as conditions. This is the surety of giving the money in exchange of the amount of damages in the time of implementation of the contract.
Several Intermediaries terms always have an influence on contracts. Now we just go to see the different types of contracts and their situation under business scenarios of contracts.
Suppose john and Michel has created a contract about wool. John is eager to buy wool from Michel. That’s why he sends a message as well as an offer to Michel by a letter. Michel accepts his offer (Rousseau, and McLean, 1993). And in the meantime john send letter about that he will send next letter for wool as if Michel send wool before the next letter. But Michel misunderstands the message of john. He sells his wool to another one.
In these types of situations of contract, the amount or damage of misunderstanding and the process of solving this, all of this will find a solution under the terms of the contract.
In most of the time two parties need to go to the court about solving those uncertain situations of contract. In the point as well as term of warranties have the definition about those uncertainty (Rousseau, and McLean, 1993). Despite of having so many things, sometimes there create unpredictable things like that illustrated in scenarios of the question.
If any party wants to breach the contract, he or she must need to show the reason for that according to the terms of contracts. By the breaches of terms a contract automatically turns into a void contract.
Terms of contract always vary from contracts to contracts. With changes of the types of contract, the terms and rules, regulations also vary. Lo3 Principles of liability in negligence in business activities
Tort means the violation of any law, which creates damages for another party.  Law of tort is one kind of law of civil wrong. Law of tort and law of contract are the two ancient law of the business world. Although there have a lot difference between contract law and tort law, they have some similarity too.
At first the similarities between them are discussed in below
Ø  Claimant need to prove the defendant as liable for that damage according to the two forms of law.
Ø  Claimant only want to get the remedy to his loss and he just can demand that but not the punishment of the defendant.
Ø  In the other sense we can say that two form of law is in one single law. That is civil law.
Tort law and contract law are different from one to another. Those are illustrated in below.
Relationship between parties: in a contract law, there have created a good relationship between parties.  These types of their relation just depend on contract. By breaching this relation and making loss for it are bring to remedy of complaint. In the other hand, tort law doesn’t think about any contractual relationship. It is a non-contractual law, by that law anybody can demand remedy.
Free consent: In a contract law, every party gives their concern in free mind. Nobody can’t force them about their consent and their will create the question of remedy with that. But in the point of tort law there has no condition or question of consent. It is totally different from those conditions (Hansmann, and Kraakman, 1991). Consent of the parties don’t considered in that field of law.
Purpose of award damage:the purpose of the claim in the contract law different from tort. From the breach of contract, the claimant wants to get remedy. His purpose is totally related to contract (Hansmann, and Kraakman, 1991). On the other hand, in the tort law the claimant doesn’t think about any types of contract. He just wants to get his remedy.

( need to discuss with under example )

( need to discuss with under example
And based with the Question  )

Negligence is the absent and disorder mind of the defendant. If there has made any damage to the contract by the carelessness of the defendant then the claimant can demand his remedy. But first he needs to prove the defendant as a careless to the contract.
He can do that by three points. Those are illustrated in below.
Duty of care: the defendant has to be careful to the right of the claimant and he must need to take an extra care to the duties that are created to him by the contract (Shavell, 1980). If he doesn’t accomplish the contract with keeping accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract, the claimant can define him as a careless and foul to the contract. For the breaches of the contract, then he can claim his compensation about contract. Without proving that no strong evidence will be acceptable about the breach of the contract.
Breach duty of the care; a reasonable standard of a man:a man has limitation of his own capability. So for the breach of duty of the care a defendant can show is reason behind this. There are two major things about that’s types of breach those are limitation of personnel skills and any emergency reason (Shavell, 1980). The court will must considered about standard able reason of a man.
Damage of claimant: the claimant has the right of making objection and demand against the defendant. But there has some rules and limitation of his demand. Those are like that, he must need to prove his defendant as liable for that, and he will be able demand only his reasonable claim. The actual damages of his resources can be demand as the compensation of his loss. And the reason of his loss must need to be directly related to the breaches of the contract.
The two parties have the chance of proving them salves as pure in the court by showing their reasonable evidence.
( need to discuss with under example
And based with the Question  )
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In any organization, there are many people worked together. They are related to one another according to the many reasons. Same place of work, same working time, similar level expectation those are the sole reason of creating relationship. By any abnormal activities of employees can harm the employers (Weber, 1991). In the contrast, any anti familiar of employer activities can also harm the resources of employee.
Now we can see that How a business organization can be vicariously liable. We can identify that trough using some styles.
Relationship between employee and employer: to measure the amount of compensation of damage is made by any parties of the organization and determine the reason behind that. The court must need to test the level of relationship between the employee and employer (Weber, 1991). The court can use some technique to measure that like integration test, control test, economic test etc.

The employee’s tort: The employee’s tort about making the fault to the employer will make the organization vicariously liable. The employer will not be charged as the liable of those types of reason. The main key points of the vicarious liable are that the employee and employer must need to be presence in the employment act. Out of the employment act any activities of any party will not be considered as vicarious liable (Hawes, and Sherrard, 1976). The main things of the vicarious liable are the presence of two parties in the course of employment.

( need to discuss with under example
And based with the Question  )
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In this case of john and Michel, we just go to see how the elements of the tort of negligence and defenses apply in different business situations. Suppose john is a mango seller. He sells mango to Michel. Michel buys mangoes from john and after eating one of the mangoes of those he get ill. Then Michel claimed his compensation of illness from john. But the fact is that, john don’t do that in concentrate mind. Even he doesn’t know about inside of the mango. But john will be liable for the illness of Michel. Because was not careful about the standard of his mango. Thisis example of negligence as well as the breach of the care of duty.
In the second scenario, Michel goes to hospital for proper treatment of his illness. But the level of his illness doesn’tlessen. In contrast it is getting high. In this situation Michel can’t blame the doctor for his damage. That’s why he can’t make further amount of compensation from the doctor.
From those two scenarios it is clear that the blame of the breach of liability depends on the situations of the incidents. It is not also true for john and Michel but also all of the business sectors of the world.
( need to discuss with under example
And based with the Question  )
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The elements of vicarious liability are applied in two different business situations. Those are given in below.
Situations number 01: Suppose john is the owner of a medicine company and Michel is his employer. Michel serves medicines to local market on behalf of john. That shows there have a relationship between john and Michel. Michel has found a motor bike from john for his work. There have a commitment with them that Michel will use the bike only for the purpose of business. If he will use it in other activities then john will not liable for that (Douglas, 1929). So this point proves that there has also control between them. The fact is that, after someday Michel committed an accident with a passerby. But in that time he was journey by bike with his friends for pleasure (Douglas, 1929). So in this situation john will not be liable for the compensation of passerby because in the time of accident Michel was not in the course of time. John will liable for that.
Situations number 02: Relating to the first situation, in this case Michel was attacked by some of criminal in the time of carrying medicines. In this situation, Michel was in the course of employment. That’s why john needs to bear the compensation for the loss of Michel.
From the above two situations we come to know about the systems of vicarious liability.

We know that, today is the day of globalization in the field of economics, technology, business etc. all of the sectors of the world. There are make several contract between a huge numbers of people as well as business organization. A contract must need to be a valid contract for better secured business in the field of the global technology. The elements of contract must need to apply in making contract. There two part in the making contract; those are the claimant and the defendant. They have to concern about every terms of the contract for making it as a successful and proper contract. By that they can believe one another for the future transactions and contract, which has a great influence on the business of two of them. 

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Ø  Kennedy, D., 1981. Distributive and paternalist motives in contract and tort law, with special reference to compulsory terms and unequal bargaining power. Md. L. Rev., 41, p.563.
Ø  Rousseau, D.M. and McLean Parks, J., 1993. The contracts of individuals and organizations. Research in organizational behavior, 15, pp.1-1.
Ø  Hansmann, H. and Kraakman, R., 1991. Toward unlimited shareholder liability for corporate torts. Yale Law Journal, pp.1879-1934.
Ø  Shavell, S., 1980. Strict liability versus negligence. The Journal of Legal Studies, 9(1), pp.1-25.
Ø  Weber, R.R., 1991. Scope of employment redefined: Holding employers vicariously liable for sexual assaults committed by their employees. Minn. L. Rev., 76, p.1513.
Ø  Hawes, D.W. and Sherrard, T.J., 1976. Reliance on Advice of Counsel as a Defense in Corporate and Securities Cases. Virginia Law Review, pp.1-148.
Ø  Douglas, W.O., 1929. Vicarious Liability and Administration of Risk I. The Yale Law Journal, 38(5), pp.584-604.
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